Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Enough is enough!

I know you all are probably tired of hearing me complain. You may even be tempted to think, "Hey lady! Be thankful you are pregnant! This is, afterall, what you asked for!" I know, I know. But this sickness is really starting to get the best of me. I keep telling myself that any day now, I will wake up and feel like a new person and be ready to start enjoying my pregnancy. But, day after day, I find myself perched by the toilet, unwillingly giving up whatever food I was able to eat moments before. Although I would love to feel good again after 9 weeks of this, I am also concerned for the baby. The dr keeps telling me it's okay, it's normal, you will turn the corner soon, etc. But, I am feeling discouraged...I am 15 weeks now and into my 2nd trimester. But, I will not lose hope! I just want my baby to get the nutrients he/she needs, and that cannot happen if I'm throwing up everything I put in my mouth!

Please continue to pray for me as I face each day during this pregnancy, and pray for my sweet baby's health! Thank you in advance. :)

1 comment:

  1. The Lord's going to keep your baby safe and healthy - keep trusting in Him! You will get through this and will eventually feel better. Thinking of you!
