Tuesday, August 3, 2010

And so it begins!

You would think I would have learned by now. You know how you have those things you brag about that have not happened to you and then all of a sudden you find it happening?? Let me give you an example. About a year ago, I was bragging to myself (yes, I talk to myself as I am driving to work. Not audibly, but in my head, nonetheless :) ) about never being pulled over by a cop before in all my 5 years of driving. Of course, that very afternoon, my foot was a bit heavy on the pedal and all of a sudden I saw those red and blue lights from none other than a state trooper. ::GASP!:: Everyone knows the reputation state troopers have; you are not getting off the hook. Well, God had favor on me and that nice man told me to "get on home and don't you speed now." Bless you, sir.

So the past few days I have been bragging about how I have not been a bit sick in my pregnancy, although everything I read says I should have started a week ago with the nausea. So yesterday I woke up and brushed my teeth as I do every morning. Oh but when I got to the tongue brushing, it was all downhill from there. I do not usually have a bad gag reflex when brushing my teeth but this time, I could barely finish brushing! Ever since then, the nausea has been on and off. I am thankful, because I know it is a good sign! And it will all be worth it in the end. But right now, saltines and sprite are my best friend :)


  1. hang in there and know it gets better

  2. That's funny because I didn't get sick with all 3 of my pregnacies. I did go through moves swings though. Not very nice. LOL. Hang in there, it will be over before you know it.
