Monday, March 8, 2010

Sometimes, a slap in the face feels good...

Yesterday our pastor preached on God's will. He touched on how to actually know you're in His will, and not yours. Ouch. This is a very tough subject for me, because I am human and selfish and want to do things the way I want to do them. Let me also mention that I struggle with patience...

Main Entry: 1pa·tient
Pronunciation: \ˈpā-shənt\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English pacient, from Anglo-French, from Latin patient-, patiens, from present participle of pati to suffer; perhaps akin to Greek pēma suffering
1 : bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint

Calmly and without complaint...In order to be in God's will, patience is a must. So needless to say, I was slapped pretty hard yesterday as I sat and heard God speak through my humble pastor. He also said that in order to determine God's will we must go to our Bibles (we must listen to Him), our knees (we must talk to Him), and our friends/family/pastor/Godly council. It is also very important that we do it in this order. We should never seek Godly council until we have first went to God. Make sense?

Lastly, if after you have done all of these things and still have the desire for your decision, then do it! Psalm 37:4 says, "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Not he may, or he probably will... It's a definite! All this time I have struggled with how to know if it's God telling me to, or my own selfish desires wanting to. And it's as simple as reading His word and letting Him speak to you, praying to Him, seeking wise council, and just doing it is His name!

I hope that you are as excited as I am about being in God's will...That was one slap that felt refreshing!

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