Thursday, March 18, 2010

A work in progress...

I have really come to realize lately that I am a work in progress. I have so many faults and God loves me in spite of those. Time and time again He pours His mercy over me without hesitation. Isn't it comforting to know that He does that for us? I think about my earthly husband, mother, father, sisters, friends, etc. There are times that we do things and sometimes hurt one another and do not know how we will be able to forgive and forget. But with God...there is no doubt that He will not receive us back into His arms if only we ask. We hurt Him each and every day, most of the time without even acknowledging it. But when we do, and we ask for His forgiveness, He totally wipes out our sins as if they never even happened. What an example of love...

I often struggle with love. Love for those who I do not know or do not like. But God commands us to "Just as I have loved you, you are to love one another" (John 13:34). Wow...can you imagine if every one of us loved each other as He loves us? We would basically be living in a utopia. The word "love" is mentioned in the Bible somewhere around 442 times...God is love. And he wants us to love too...

I'm gonna end this post with a song I learned as a child, and still often think about...
"He's still workin' on me, to make me what I 'oughta be. It took Him just a week to make the moon and stars, the sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars. How loving and patient He must be...He's still workin' on me."

1 comment:

  1. Girl!!!!!!!!! This post brought tears to my eyes. Our God is awesome!!!! :)
